Union members ratify pact with Twin Cities grocers
Members of United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 653 voted to approve a new three-year contract with Twin Cities grocers.
Workday Magazine (https://workdaymagazine.org/category/bargaining/page/33/)
Members of United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 653 voted to approve a new three-year contract with Twin Cities grocers.
A variety of human services provided to residents of northeastern Minnesota could come to a grinding halt on March 5 if the Human Development Center (HDC) continues to bargain in bad faith, the union said.
Northwest Airlines flight attendants will conduct more informational picketing at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Monday as they strive to block the airline\’s concession demands.
Janitors represented by Service Employees International Union Local 26 celebrated Saturday as they overwhelmingly ratified a new, three-year contract.
Photos from the SEIU Local 26 contract vote on Saturday.
Ordered back to the bargaining table Friday by the National Mediation Board, the union representing Northwest Airlines flight attendants proposed a contract that would give back significantly less than the $195 million in concessions ordered by a bankruptcy judge last June.
If Twin Cities janitors strike, only supervisors would be left to clean Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport facilities and many deliveries to the airport would come to a halt as other unions honor the janitors\’ picketline.
Nurses at Hennepin County Medical Center, represented by the Minnesota Nurses Association, achieved their first union contract with a ruling from an arbitrator.
Janitors and supporters will rally in downtown Minneapolis Tuesday, one day before contract talks are scheduled to resume between SEIU Local 26 and Twin Cities cleaning contractors.
Unions representing those employed in many downtown office buildings and the truckers who make deliveries to them stood behind Twin Cities janitors Thursday in their effort to get a fair contract.