Labor Education Service in Transition
I invite us to learn through this together. There is no guidebook, no experience to lean on except in the past we share, the ways we have bound together to fight for our collective dignity.
Workday Magazine (
I invite us to learn through this together. There is no guidebook, no experience to lean on except in the past we share, the ways we have bound together to fight for our collective dignity.
Check back for updates to this list. If you have any teaching and/or learning resources to contribute, please send them to LES Labor Educator Amy Livingston
The Minnesota Housing Partnership estimates that 85,000 residents living in affordable rental units could be displaced as a result of the economic downturn
Efforts to halt the spread of COVID-19 are creating immediate economic hardship for many working families.
MNA plans to continue its collection drive each day through Sunday, from noon to 2 p.m., at 345 Randolph Ave.
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison says his office has received complaints of one store selling a 36-roll pack of toilet paper for nearly $80
As some Illinois factories and warehouses stay open making supplies amid the coronavirus outbreak, workers say standing elbow to elbow in production lines and clocking in with fingerprint scanners could make them sick.
At a Wednesday afternoon press conference, nurses represented by the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) outlined in raw and unwavering detail the challenges they are facing as frontline workers in the midst of a global health crisis.
Public health experts agree that Americans need to stay home as much as possible, but the Trump administration has not yet issued clear guidance to federal workers.
While the following list of resources may not be conclusive, it is indeed a start. As the situation evolves, we will attempt to update accordingly. In general, we sincerely hope that our leaders expand the state’s social safety net to protect the most vulnerable in our society.