Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride – Preparations

Sunday, Sept. 28: Rising before dawn to embark on a historic journey
Thursday, Sept. 25: Minnesota ride launched with festive celebration
Sunday, Sept. 28: Rising before dawn to embark on a historic journey
At 6 a.m., the sky was still black outside Neighborhood House on St.Paul’s West Side. But the building was buzzing with activity, as some 80 participants in the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride prepared to embark on their week-long journey.

Pre-ride celebration to go forward, despite possible threats

Despite the threat of protests by neo-Nazi groups, a celebration will bring together immigrants, their families and friends Thursday, Sept. 25, at 5:30 p.m. at Powderhorn Park in Minneapolis. The purpose will be to salute the 80 Minnesotans who will board buses Sunday in support of immigrant workers rights.

Profiles of riders

They come from many different countries and for different reasons, but immigrants to Minnesota share one thing: a vision of the American dream.