CWA president: Restore democracy, and economic justice will follow

Speaking to hundreds of progressive activists in St. Paul on Saturday, the highest-ranking officer of the Communications Workers of America outlined an aggressive vision for building “a grassroots movement for democracy like we’ve never seen in this country.”

Campaign spreads Occupy Wall Street’s message to the suburbs

In a perfect world, Mike Adair would have plenty of time to join the Occupy Wall Street protests. But in this world, the Eagan resident’s time is occupied by the demands of his small business, his master’s degree program and his four children.

Labor cheers successful petition for Walker recall

Wisconsin union leaders were elated when recall petitions with more than 1 million signatures were turned in against Republican Governor Scott Walker, who pushed through sweeping measures to take away worker rights. The 1 million signatures are just short of the number of votes Walker garnered in the 2010 election.