The recession is officially over – but not the misery
In case you missed it, the recession is over. Really.
Workday Magazine (https://workdaymagazine.org/category/policy/page/25/)
In case you missed it, the recession is over. Really.
The Minnesota AFL-CIO’s 50th Constitutional Convention will take place Sept. 26-28 at the Bloomington Sheraton Hotel. The convention agenda will include nominations and elections of Minnesota AFL-CIO officials and the opportunity to do Labor 2010 phoning and doorknocking.
Some 800 Teamsters, in the Twin Cities for a national Teamsters Women’s Conference, filled Peavey Plaza Friday to protest corporate greed and call for action to address the nation’s unemployment crisis.
One solution to the nation’s unemployment crisis is the creation of clean energy jobs, but to achieve that goal everyone must be involved in the effort, participants in a Congressional forum agreed.
This year, AFSCME Council 5 used its kiosk at the Minnesota State Fair to advance its “Tax the Rich” campaign – and the message resonated with many fairgoers, the union said.
Terry O’Sullivan, general president of LIUNA, the Laborers’ International Union of North America, said President Obama’s job creation plan announced Monday in Milwaukee “is exactly what our nation needs.”
In a Labor Day address to more than 10,000 union members and their families in Milwaukee, President Obama announced a massive new job-creating road, rail, runway and air traffic control rebuilding project.
Congressman Keith Ellison will host a Clean Energy Jobs Forum Wednesday in Minneapolis to discuss how to make good, clean energy jobs available to all Minnesotans.
The AFL-CIO and its member unions will celebrate Labor Day by starting their final political push in the two months left before the Nov. 2 election.
Realizing today’s jobless workers are more numerous and different from those of past years, the Union of the Unemployed and Working America, using two different tacks, are trying to mobilize the jobless to vote this fall, in their own self-interest.