Unions help push through critically-needed financial regulation

The financial sector overhaul legislation that President Barack Obama will sign this week is good, but focuses too much on overhauling government regulation of the financiers and not enough on overhauling the industry itself, analysts said. Still, unions and consumer advocates praised the overhaul as significant.

Recession has hit majority of Americans, study finds

Since the recession began 30 months ago, more than half of all adults in the workforce — 55 percent — say they have either been unemployed, taken a pay cut, had their work hours reduced or become involuntary part-time workers, according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center’s Social and Demographic Trends Project.

Increased demand putting stress on programs to aid unemployed workers

Organizations helping workers cope with continuing high levels of unemployment report that the recession is taking a high toll on workers and their families. At the same time, the increased need for help from workers experiencing long-term unemployment is straining the resources and testing the capacity of programs designed to help workers through short-term economic emergencies.

AFL-CIO makes no endorsement; Building Trades back Kelliher

After a careful screening of candidates, the unions of the Minnesota AFL-CIO decided not to endorse a candidate at this time, the federation announced. Meanwhile, the Minnesota Building & Construction Trades Council, which is part of the AFL-CIO, declared its support for Margaret Anderson Kelliher.

Debate on jobs bill moves to U.S. Senate

As the U.S. Senate considers a much-needed jobs bill with no certain date for a vote, the AFL-CIO union movement continues to push lawmakers to put the needs of workers and the economy before concerns over the nation’s budget deficit.