Unions put on final push before Nov. 4 election

On Saturday, the sixth anniversary of the plane crash that killed U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone, union leaders and elected officials evoked the spirit of Minnesota\’s "labor senator" to rally members in the final days before Nov. 4.

Ehrenreich to speak at JOBS NOW celebration

Barbara Ehrenreich, author of "Nickel and Dimed: On Not Getting By in America," "This Land is Their Land" and 13 other books, will be the featured speaker at the 25th anniversary celebration of the JOBS NOW Coalition.

Iron Range workers join in Clinton chant of ‘Jobs, baby, jobs!’

Senator Hillary Clinton was on Minnesota\’s Iron Range for the first time in her life Tuesday at a "Change We Need" rally in Hibbing. Judging by the wild reception she got at Miners Memorial Arena from the 4,600 in attendance, it isn\’t a stretch to say many had the former First Lady as their first choice for the Democratic presidential nominee.

Global unions call for fair economic recovery plan

With the world\’s financial markets in a deepening tailspin, the global union movement is calling on the world’s leading industrial nations to launch a major recovery plan to stabilize global capital markets, stave off the devastation of a global recession and get back on the track to create decent work.