Union leaders take on Coleman record
As U.S. Senator Norm Coleman kicked off his re-election campaign Wednesday, labor leaders in two cities spoke out to criticize his record on working family issues.
Workday Magazine (https://workdaymagazine.org/category/policy/page/48/)
As U.S. Senator Norm Coleman kicked off his re-election campaign Wednesday, labor leaders in two cities spoke out to criticize his record on working family issues.
Union leaders in Rochester and Duluth will speak out Wednesday about U.S. Senator Norm Coleman\’s poor record on working family issues.
Operating Engineers Local 49, which lost a member in the collapse of the I-35W bridge, is condemning a new TV commercial promoting U.S. Senator Norm Coleman that uses images of the disaster.
The United Transportation Union has endorsed Al Franken for election to the U.S. Senate from Minnesota.
Graying, distinguished, voluble music teacher Al Ynigues hasn\’t lost his house in Apple Valley, Minn. – yet. But he\’s on the verge of doing so, as are millions of other people, unless Congress steps in to help.
The proposed expansion of the Mall of America would create 7,000 union construction jobs for three years and, when completed, would yield a $1 billion increase in state sales tax revenues over 20 years, proponents say.
Al Franken was the unanimous choice of delegates attending the annual Minnesota State Council of Machinists Spring Conference Sunday in St. Paul, the union said.
The AFL-CIO\’s 2008 political plan will cost $56 million-$60 million, be in more than 500 races, have a theme of "Turning America Around" and will strongly define GOP nominee John McCain by his anti-worker stands.
The Service Employees International Union, the fastest-growing union in the country, has endorsed DFL candidate Al Franken for U.S. Senate.
Just three weeks after the unemployment figures showed the first overall loss of jobs in years, we learn that joblessness is the highest it’s been since the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in October 2005.