Union member wins legislative primary
A social studies teacher and union member was elected in a special election Tuesday in a southeast Minnesota legislative district.
Workday Magazine (https://workdaymagazine.org/category/policy/page/54/)
A social studies teacher and union member was elected in a special election Tuesday in a southeast Minnesota legislative district.
Workers celebrated the first increase in the federal minimum wage in 10 years Tuesday, but said it still won\’t be enough to bring every family out of poverty.
After 10 years of waiting for an increase in the federal minimum wage, low-wage workers celebrated Tuesday. But some in Corporate America continue their opposition to any floor underneath wages. Patricia McLane Wingo has a question for them.
A boycott of the anti-union contractor operating state Capitol cafeterias is taking a toll, as workers "brown bag" their lunches rather than patronize Taher, Inc.
Keith Olbermann, whose biting, pull-no-punches commentaries on MSNBC’s "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" have been known to spike the blood pressure of their targets, will moderate the AFL-CIO Presidential Candidates Forum Aug. 7 in Chicago.
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development is holding regional competitiveness forums across the state, providing an opportunity for working people to speak out about the need to create more family-supporting jobs.
Representatives of St. Paul\’s labor unions have entered into negotiations with the 2008 Republican National Convention host committee in an effort to make sure that convention-related work gets done by union members.
A group that plans to protest the 2008 Republican convention in St. Paul has issued an open letter to labor organizations seeking solidarity.
A meeting of organizations and individuals planning protests at next year\’s Republican Party national convention will be held Saturday.
The millions of workers displaced when their jobs move overseas need help now through retraining, reemployment assistance and income support, workforce specialists told Congress.