MN Building Trades Lobby Day- Trades rally at state capitol for jobs

“Come on, let’s make some noise!” The crowd filling the State Capitol rotunda and two levels of balconies roared out in loud reply to Harry Melander, president of the Minnesota State Building and Construction Trades Council, as he led-off a March 14 rally.
“Thank you for coming,” Melander told hundreds of Building Trades union members. “It’s a much different place here this year — and it’s due to you.”

Poverty Doesn’t Create Jobs

In the richest nation on earth, it’s wrong for anyone who works full time to live in poverty. Yet millions of Americans who work a 40-hour week are unable to lift their families out of poverty. Imagine supporting your family on just $14,500 a year. That’s what a full-time, minimum-wage job pays. Wages come to less than $279 a week – and that’s before taxes.

Unions back plan to shore up Social Security

The AFL-CIO, the labor-backed Alliance for Retired Americans, the Steelworkers and the Auto Workers back new legislation to close Social Security’s future funding gap – which won’t begin for another 20 years – by taxing millionaires and billionaires, sponsors of the legislation say.