Agreements reached for state corrections and judicial branch workers

Tentative agreements have been reached in the last week on contracts covering state corrections workers and employees of the judicial branch.

Delegates to the AFSCME Unit 8 Negotiations Assembly voted unanimously Monday to recommend ratification of a tentative contract for State of Minnesota corrections workers. The pact was reached Friday.

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The 1,800 corrections officers are the last AFSCME?represented state employees to reach agreement with the employer. Because they are classified as “essential” and therefore cannot strike, they bargain separately from the other five units of state workers represented by Council 5.

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The contract vote will be conducted by mail and in several workplace locations around the state, with ballots scheduled to be counted Oct. 24, the union said.

On Sept. 28, a tentative agreement was reached on a two-year contract for 1,000 clerical, administrative and technical employees in Minnesota’s judicial branch of state government. They are represented by AFSCME Council 5 and Council 65.

The agreement provides for a 2 percent wage increase for all employees on July 1, 2005, and July 1, 2006, in addition to step increases.

The ratification vote will be by mail ballot. Ballots are expected to be mailed on Oct. 21 and will be counted Nov. 9, the union said.

For more information
Visit the AFSCME Council 5 website,

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