Minnesota Is Headed for a Workers vs. Bosses Showdown That’s 10 Years in the Making
Labor and community organizations who have been aligning for years are escalating their fights at the same time.
Workday Magazine (https://workdaymagazine.org/category/minnesota/page/4/)
Labor and community organizations who have been aligning for years are escalating their fights at the same time.
This article is a joint publication of Workday Magazine and The American Prospect. The Minneapolis-based billionaire Pohlad family has a national profile, as the owner of the Minnesota Twins and the 75th-richest family in the United States. And the Pohlad Family Foundation has cultivated a progressive image for its stated commitment to “housing stability” and “racial justice,” with a special focus on reducing racial disparities. But the Pohlad family empire of dozens of businesses includes a real estate development firm called United Properties. The Minneapolis/St.
A conversation with the former president of the clerical workers union at the University of Minnesota.
A year chronicling worker struggle.
Para Elbida Gomez, la temporada festiva no se marca con alegría o tiempo con familia, sino un aumento drástico en su carga de trabajo—limpiando baños y oficinas, sacando la basura, trapeando y limpiando comida del piso de la cafetería para empleados.
La madre de dos, de 43 años, dice que es una de solo dos personas cuyo trabajo principal es limpiar la sucursal de Cabela’s—una cadena de tiendas que venden artículos de caza, pesca y campamento—de Woodbury, Minnesota. Aumenta el tráfico peatonal en lo que los clientes hacen sus compras navideñas. Los padres hacen fila con sus hijos para tomarse una foto con Santa Claus. El piso se cubre con chocolate, envolturas de dulces y huellas, y, cuando empieza a nevar, la entrada de la tienda está perpetuamente cubierta de sal y arena, dice.
“Hay poco tiempo y mucho trabajo”, dice Gomez, quien ha hecho trabajo de limpieza desde que se mudo a los Estados Unidos de Honduras hace unos 15 años.
Pero en un sector que trata—literalmente—de sanitizar las experiencias festivas de otras familias, a ella se le niega la oportunidad de relajarse y festejar con su propia familia. Gomez no recibe vacaciones pagadas de su empleador, Carlson Building Maintenance, que se contrata para limpiar a Cabela’s.
This article is a joint publication of Workday Magazine and In These Times. For Elbida Gomez, the winter holiday season is not marked by cheer or family time, but by an exponential increase in her workload — cleaning bathrooms and store offices, taking out the trash, mopping entrances and wiping up food from the floor of the employee cafeteria. The 43-year-old mother of two says she is one of just two people whose primary job is to clean the Woodbury, Minn., location of Cabela’s, a big box store chain that sells hunting, fishing and camping goods. Foot traffic increases as patrons do their holiday shopping. Parents line up with their children to take a photograph with Santa Claus.
Was objectivity really a historical norm? Not for these pioneering labor journalists and advocates.
A new report claims Minnesota’s affordable housing developers receive millions in public funds while working with subcontractors with problematic records of worker exploitation.
Nurses say unfair labor practices and denial of a staffing crisis are leaving workers with no choice but to strike during the holidays.
A flurry of state and local teachers unions have passed ceasefire resolutions, but few national unions have followed.