Communications Workers defend merger of AT&T and T-Mobile
The Communications Workers are defending the proposed merger of T-Mobile into AT&T after the Obama administration’s Justice Department formally sued in court to stop it.
Workday Magazine (https://workdaymagazine.org/category/policy/page/18/)
The Communications Workers are defending the proposed merger of T-Mobile into AT&T after the Obama administration’s Justice Department formally sued in court to stop it.
Nurses will demonstrate in Minnesota and across the nation Thursday to support a tax on Wall Street financial speculation and provide revenue needed for health care, housing and job creation.
Some 3,000 delegates to the Steelworkers international convention declared the union is ready to fight for workers and jobs – and against both the financial elite that ran the world into the Great Recession and politicians of all stripes who toadied to financiers’ demands.
More than 200 Minnesotans gathered outside the Wayzata Country club Wednesday to demand attention from their member of Congress, who spent the day playing golf with donors for $10,000 a ticket.
Members of Working America plan a "Buyer\’s Remorse" booth outside Rep. Michele Bachmann\’s district office to call attention to her lack of action to create jobs.
More than 100 protesters gathered outside Wells Fargo offices Wednesday demanding a “piece of the pie” for job seekers and hardworking Minnesotans.
The labor-backed recall drive to oust six Republican state senators whose votes pushed Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s abolition of collective bargaining through the state Legislature apparently fell one Senate seat short.
Last spring Wisconsin’s working families took to the streets to protest an unprecedented legislative attack on union rights. Next Tuesday, voters in six Wisconsin Senate districts will take to the polls, voting in recall elections targeting six Republicans who supported Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to strip public employees of their right to bargain collectively.
The July 23 concert by rock superstars U2 at TCF Bank Stadium brought hundreds of work hours for members of Local 13 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees.
No person expects job hunting to be simple, but for many unemployed Minnesotans it can begin to seem hopeless.