"Following eight years of misguided economic policies that gave priority to tax breaks for multimillionaires and big corporations, the Obama plan will get America\'s disappearing middle class working again right away and make smart, long-term investments that will keep them working long after," said Denise Cardinal, executive director of the Allance for a Better Minnesota.
More than 10,000 Minnesotans lost their jobs in November, boosting the state\'s umemployment rate to 6.4 percent, according to figures released Thursday by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.
State Economist Tom Stinson has predicted that Minnesota could lose as many as 50,000 jobs over the next year as the recession deepens. This would bring the level of unemployment to the highest level during the entire 30-year period for which data is available, according to policy analyst Jeff Van Wychen of Minnesota 2020.
Obama\'s plan, outlined in a radio address Dec. 6, includes the single largest investment in U.S. national infrastructure since the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s, as well as massive investments towards making public buildings more energy-efficient, upgrading and modernizing school buildings, and modernizing the U.S. health care system. The plan also is likely to include increased federal aid to states and local communities to fund law enforcement, education, health care for children and low-income families, and other services.
The campaign\'s coalition includes Minnesota ACORN, AFSCME Council 5, Alliance for a Better Minnesota, Americans United for Change, Jewish Community Action, JOBS NOW Coalition, UFCW Local 789 and U.S. Action.
"Following eight years of misguided economic policies that gave priority to tax breaks for multimillionaires and big corporations, the Obama plan will get America\’s disappearing middle class working again right away and make smart, long-term investments that will keep them working long after," said Denise Cardinal, executive director of the Allance for a Better Minnesota.
More than 10,000 Minnesotans lost their jobs in November, boosting the state\’s umemployment rate to 6.4 percent, according to figures released Thursday by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.
State Economist Tom Stinson has predicted that Minnesota could lose as many as 50,000 jobs over the next year as the recession deepens. This would bring the level of unemployment to the highest level during the entire 30-year period for which data is available, according to policy analyst Jeff Van Wychen of Minnesota 2020.
Obama\’s plan, outlined in a radio address Dec. 6, includes the single largest investment in U.S. national infrastructure since the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s, as well as massive investments towards making public buildings more energy-efficient, upgrading and modernizing school buildings, and modernizing the U.S. health care system. The plan also is likely to include increased federal aid to states and local communities to fund law enforcement, education, health care for children and low-income families, and other services.
The "Jobs and Economic Recovery Now" campaign will employ all of the tools of a traditional campaign, including a massive grassroots movement and paid advertising, to pass the economic recovery package by strong bipartisan margins in the House and Senate in January – then send it to Obama immediately after his inauguration, the group said.
The campaign\’s coalition includes Minnesota ACORN, AFSCME Council 5, Alliance for a Better Minnesota, Americans United for Change, Jewish Community Action, JOBS NOW Coalition, UFCW Local 789 and U.S. Action.
"When workers lose their homes, their jobs and their health care, the need for government help soars," said Jerry Serfling of AFSCME Council 5. "To help struggling families survive this recession, we need to invest in health care, food stamps and unemployment assistance. President-Elect Obama knows what Franklin Delano Roosevelt knew. Good jobs create an economy that works. To stave off another depression, Minnesota needs public investment to create good jobs."