“We will continue our weekly lunchtime informational pickets every Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the AT&T tower, 901 Marquette Avenue S.,” said Shari Wojtowicz, president of CWA Local 7250.
“They continue to show support by putting up mini-picket signs with union slogans on them at their desks, they are working to the rule, and making sure every quality and safety measurement is hit with each interaction on the job.”
Meanwhile, in negotiations, AT&T continued to insist on shifting more health care costs to workers – a major stumbling block in the talks, the union said.
“AT&T continues to be a healthy corporation in a sick economy, yet wants to increase it\'s profits on the backs of the workers who have helped make it the success it is today,” Wojtowicz said. “We would appreciate as much support as you can provide to the 450+ AT&T workers in the Minneapolis-St Paul area by attending one or more of our informational pickets.”
For more information
Visit www.cwalocal7250.org for contract updates.
“We will continue our weekly lunchtime informational pickets every Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the AT&T tower, 901 Marquette Avenue S.,” said Shari Wojtowicz, president of CWA Local 7250.
“Our members have been working now for over eight weeks without a contract,” Wojtowicz noted. “They are taking actions on the job by wearing red Monday through Thursday, black on Friday, standing every hour and clicking, tapping, or shaking pill bottles to make noise on the even hours every day.
“They continue to show support by putting up mini-picket signs with union slogans on them at their desks, they are working to the rule, and making sure every quality and safety measurement is hit with each interaction on the job.”
Meanwhile, in negotiations, AT&T continued to insist on shifting more health care costs to workers – a major stumbling block in the talks, the union said.
“AT&T continues to be a healthy corporation in a sick economy, yet wants to increase it\’s profits on the backs of the workers who have helped make it the success it is today,” Wojtowicz said. “We would appreciate as much support as you can provide to the 450+ AT&T workers in the Minneapolis-St Paul area by attending one or more of our informational pickets.”
For more information
Visit www.cwalocal7250.org for contract updates.