Anyone can save up to 40 percent on groceries by purchasing a $20 food package from Fare For All Express. The discounted grocery packages include fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and frozen meats. Special meat-only or vegetarian-only packages also are available.
The AFL-CIO community services program, Working Partnerships, sponsors one of the 30 Fare for All Express distribution sites in the greater metro area.
Working Partnerships’ next Fare for All Express pick-up will be Friday, April 24, at the Sprinkler Fitters Local 417 union hall, 1404 Central Ave. N.E., Minneapolis (two blocks north of Broadway on Central).
The pick-up hours will be 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Note: these are new pick-up hours for 2015 and a change from the old pick-up hours of 2:00-4:00 p.m.)
Fare for All Express is a program of the Food Group (formerly the Emergency Foodshelf Network) and is open to everyone.
Coming Fare for All Express dates at the Sprinkler Fitters will be the following Fridays: May 22, June 19, July 24, August 21, September 18, October 16, November 13, and December 11.
Visit for other Fare for All Express locations and dates.
Fare for All Express accepts cash, EBT, credit cards or debit cards.
The program is open to all and has no income requirements.
No pre-ordering is necessary and there is no paperwork to fill out.
For more information, call 612-379-8130 ext. 112 or 763-450-3880.