Film series features report from New Orleans

The program will be Wednesday, Nov. 7, starting at 7 p.m. at the Lakes & Plains Regional Council of Carpenters & Joiners, 700 Olive St., St. Paul. It is free and open to all.

The tragedy of New Orleans exemplifies, in concentrated form, the problems all working Americans are dealing with: racism; poverty; housing shortages; environmental degradation; and the use of crisis to privatize many industrial and service sectors, eliminate unions and lower living standards.

On Nov. 7, view portions of "When the Levees Broke," Lee\’s award-winning film, and hear from participants in the International Labor Communications Association convention, held in October in New Orleans. Labor journalists from across the United States went out into New Orleans neighborhoods and workplaces to gather first-hand accounts of life since Hurricane Katrina.

The Labor & Community Film Series is organized by the University of Minnesota Labor Education Service. The Nov. 7 screening is co-sponsored by Lakes & Plains Regional Council of Carpenters & Joiners.

For more information, visit

Download a pdf of the Nov. 7 film flier.

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