They will be joined by labor-endorsed gubernatorial candidate Mike Hatch, labor-endorsed attorney general candidate Lori Swanson and union and community supporters. Events start with a rally at 11 a.m. at the Minneapolis Convention Center, followed by a march in downtown Minneapolis.
They will be joined by labor-endorsed gubernatorial candidate Mike Hatch, labor-endorsed attorney general candidate Lori Swanson and union and community supporters. Events start with a rally at 11 a.m. at the Minneapolis Convention Center, followed by a march in downtown Minneapolis.
The kickoff will focus on the need for affordable family health care because it is emerging as a key issue in the upcoming contract negotiations for the janitors, Local 26 said. The union represents more than 225,000 janitors nationwide, including many who clean buildings in downtown Minneapolis, downtown St. Paul, several suburbs and the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
Across the country, SEIU-represented janitors are entering contract negotiations under the theme of "Justice for Janitors," a campaign begun 16 years ago in Los Angeles.