The rally will start at 11:30 a.m. on Peavey Plaza, 11 St. S. and Nicollet Ave. Speakers will include religious leaders and union members.
Minneapolis janitors plan to build on nationwide momentum from janitors in cities such as Houston and Miami who have worked closely with community allies to expand access to full-time jobs with quality health care. Building owners who are the focus of the demonstration include Target Corp., United Properties and Wells Fargo.
Approximately 4,200 janitors are currently in contract negotiations with subcontractors who provide cleaning services to Minneapolis area office buildings. Their contract expires on December 31.
The rally will start at 11:30 a.m. on Peavey Plaza, 11 St. S. and Nicollet Ave. Speakers will include religious leaders and union members.
Minneapolis janitors plan to build on nationwide momentum from janitors in cities such as Houston and Miami who have worked closely with community allies to expand access to full-time jobs with quality health care. Building owners who are the focus of the demonstration include Target Corp., United Properties and Wells Fargo.
Members of Service Employees International Union Local 26 will ask building owners to support full-time jobs and better health care because many building owners benefited from property tax reform several years ago that moved the tax burden from commercial properties to Minnesota homeowners.
Approximately 4,200 janitors are currently in contract negotiations with subcontractors who provide cleaning services to Minneapolis area office buildings. Their contract expires on December 31.