On Labor Day, we carve out time to recognize and honor the wonderful achievements of America’s working people. Many of us will spend the day with close family and dear friends at a barbecue, picnic or other community event. While we enjoy the fellowship of our loved ones, it is important to reflect on what strengthens and nurtures the lives and communities of working people and how we can continue to protect our ability to make a good living that will sustain our families.
This Labor Day, we’re celebrating union solidarity and letting everyone around us know: Want power? Join a union.
2019 Labor Day Events
- August 22 – September 2
Minnesota AFL-CIO at the State Fair
- September 1-2
100th Annual Carlton County Labor Day Celebration, Cloquet
- September 2
Brainerd/Baxter Labor Day Picnic
Iron Range Labor Assembly Labor Day Picnic, Virginia
Koochiching County Labor Assembly Labor Day Picnic, International Falls