Labor praises House passage of economic recovery bill

"When we it comes to rebuilding our economy, we don’t have a moment to spare," said President Barack Obama, shortly before the vote, which as 244-188.

With the jobless rate at 7.2 percent and expected to worsen for much of the year, and the loss of 2.6 million jobs last year—the biggest one-year job loss since 1945.

"It would be impossible to overstate the trouble our economy is in," said AFL-CIO President John Sweeney. "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is absolutely essential to turning around this downward economic spiral. This is no time for weak excuses — Congress must act decisively to create jobs and rescue the economy."

The bill includes $550 billion for investments such as ready-to-go infrastructure projects, help for states that are facing record budget shortfalls that threaten vital services such as education and health, and assistance for the nation’s tens of millions of unemployed workers. It also provides $275 billion in targeted tax relief for families and businesses.

The Senate is expected to vote on its version of the recovery package next week. But the Senate bill is more heavily weighted toward tax cuts rather than job-creating investments. As reported by the Senate Finance and Appropriations committees, it contains $365 billion in targeted investments and some $500 billion in tax cuts.

In a letter to House members, AFL-CIO Government Affairs Director Bill Samuel said the bill’s $550 billion in targeted investments will create new jobs and prevent others from vanishing.

"Investments in infrastructure and energy would provide millions of good-paying jobs that cannot be off-shored, while helping us move toward a cleaner, greener future," Samuel wrote. "Investments in schools would help us educate our children and help struggling school districts make up for budget shortfalls caused by the collapse of their property tax base. States and localities would be better able to meet budgetary pressures caused by increasing demand on the important programs they administer."

Mike Hall writes for the AFL-CIO news site,, where this article originally appeared.

For more information
Read a detailed summary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

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