‘Magic Green School Bus’ airs Feb. 4

The documentary about the late teacher and senator from Minnesota was made with students at Lake Country Montessori in Minneapolis, working with the artist Media Mike Hazard and the teacher Malinda Holte. It is a film for all ages.

Interviewed in the film are Congressman Jim Ramstad, bus driver Paul Scott, organizer Pakou Hang, poet Bill Holm, Wellstone Action director Jeff Blodgett, press person Mark Anderson and others.

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You can also watch The Magic Green School Bus online and learn about other ways to see it at http://www.thecie.org/

Music includes "Ballad of Paul and Sheila" by Mason Jennings, the Star Spangled Banner played by Larry McDonough and original songs composed and performed by the students at Lake Country School.

Legendary historian Howard Zinn writes, "It is delightful. And a brilliant idea to tell his story through the magic bus, the bus driver, the utterly charming children! It is a good example of how to take a subject that at first glance seems rather dull, and invest it with vitality, humor, inspiration, without sacrificing serious ideas."

The project was directed by Media Mike Hazard, artist-in-residence at The Center for International Education. A micro-nonprofit based in St. Paul since 1975, previous programs have included documentary portraits of Eugene McCarthy, the McDonald Sisters and Robert Bly. For more, go to http://www.thecie.org/

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