Media coverage, Oct. 5, 2003
Immigrants Rally in City, Seeking Rights, New York Times
Thousands at Queens rally seek immigrant rights, Newsday
Immigrant workers rally in NYC and demand changes, Boston Globe
Editorial: New freedom ride calls to mind some parallels, San Antonio Express-News
Letter to the editor: Indianapolis Star, Illegal immigrants don't deserve a 'ride'
Letter to the editor: Indianapolis Star, Honest, fair reporting on the Freedom Ride
Media coverage, Oct. 4, 2003
10,000 rally for immigrants rights in New York, Associated Press
Driving home their desire for freedom, Newark Star-Ledger
Media coverage, Oct. 3, 2003
Immigrants End 'Ride' With Pleas on Hill, Washington Post
Freedom Riders rally in D.C. park for immigration reforms, Minneapolis Star Tribune
Media coverage, Oct. 2, 2003
Immigrant freedom riders hit D.C., U Wire
Media coverage of the Freedom Ride en route from Minnesota
On the road to the coast: Immigrants here join freedom ride, Capital Times, Madison, Sept. 29, 2003
Immigrants on a 'Freedom Ride,' Wisconsin State Journal, Sept. 29, 2003
Immigration Workers Freedom Ride begins, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Sept. 28, 2003
MINNESOTA: Ride, rally to press immigrants' rights, St. Paul Pioneer Press, Sept. 23, 2003
Media coverage, Oct. 5, 2003
Immigrants Rally in City, Seeking Rights, New York Times
Thousands at Queens rally seek immigrant rights, Newsday
Immigrant workers rally in NYC and demand changes, Boston Globe
Editorial: New freedom ride calls to mind some parallels, San Antonio Express-News
Letter to the editor: Indianapolis Star, Illegal immigrants don’t deserve a ‘ride’
Letter to the editor: Indianapolis Star, Honest, fair reporting on the Freedom Ride
Media coverage, Oct. 4, 2003
10,000 rally for immigrants rights in New York, Associated Press
Driving home their desire for freedom, Newark Star-Ledger
Media coverage, Oct. 3, 2003
Immigrants End ‘Ride’ With Pleas on Hill, Washington Post
Freedom Riders rally in D.C. park for immigration reforms, Minneapolis Star Tribune
Media coverage, Oct. 2, 2003
Immigrant freedom riders hit D.C., U Wire
Media coverage of the Freedom Ride en route from Minnesota
On the road to the coast: Immigrants here join freedom ride, Capital Times, Madison, Sept. 29, 2003
Immigrants on a ‘Freedom Ride,’ Wisconsin State Journal, Sept. 29, 2003
Immigration Workers Freedom Ride begins, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Sept. 28, 2003
MINNESOTA: Ride, rally to press immigrants’ rights, St. Paul Pioneer Press, Sept. 23, 2003