Rochester hotel workers conduct food drive on picketline

The group of workers, who have come to be known as "The Rochester 19," are wrapping up their first month of picketing after being given pink slips four days before Christmas.

Many had worked at the hotel for several years when it was sold to CMPJ Enterprises Inc., of Houston, Texas, who "immediately made it clear (they) didn\’t want a union at the hotel," said Dave Blanchard, secretary-treasurer and business manager of UNITE HERE Local 21.

CMPJ is being investigated by the National Labor Relations Board for alleged violation of labor law related to the terminations.

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The faces of "The Rochester 19" appear in this photo montage on the UNITE HERE Local 21 website.

"Our community has been so supportive of our struggle for justice," said Sue Messner, one of The Rochester 19. "I never would have expected such an overwhelming response. So many people are giving us the thumbs up, honking, and joining us on the picket line. I guess people realize they could very easily be one of us.

"We just thought a food drive would be a small way to say thank you to our community."

The food drive will be held Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. People wishing to donate may stop by the picketline to drop off non-perishable food items on your lunch break or after work. Pull in to the passenger drop off area and drop off your goods.

The Rochester 19 are members of UNITE HERE Local 21, which represents 2,200 workers in the health care, hospitality and linen supply industries in southeast Minnesota.

For more information
Visit the Local 21 website,

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