Rock-Tenn workers to speak out at State Fair

As the Rock-Tenn recycling plant in St. Paul\’s Midway neighborhood continues its search for a renewable fuel source, workers at the recycling plant, members of United Steel Workers Local 264, are working to keep the public informed about what the plant – and its 500 good jobs – mean to the community. At the State Fair, workers will meet and greet visitors to the House of Labor.

"We\’ll have a display board and a quiz about Rock-Tenn to kind of introduce St. Paul and the surrounding community to Rock-Tenn, which is one of our oldest and most responsible corporate citizens, and Minnesota\’s oldest recycler," said Diane O\’Brien, communications director of the Minnesota AFL-CIO.

The House of Labor, located at the corner of Dan Patch and Cooper, enters its 48th year as the labor movement\’s home on the fairgrounds. Volunteer painters, carpenters and roofers worked this summer to refresh the aging building.

"Folks from the painters were out there giving it a fresh coat of paint, and they really made it look wonderful," O\’Brien said. "The carpenters have worked to fix busted doors, too. Our 2007 House of Labor at the State Fair is looking good."

What else will be going on in the House of Labor this year?

• The State Fair treasure hunt. "Kids get a few clues and go out on the state fairgrounds and look for union workers and union companies located on the fairgrounds," O\’Brien explained. "If they come back with at least five examples of a union operation, they win a George Washington presidential coin, as well as their first honorary union card."

• Sheet-metal workers will craft copper roses and bird-houses.

• Carpenter Darrell Ray will make benches and raffle them off – a House of Labor tradition he has kept up for decades.

• Political action. Non-union members can sign up to join the AFL-CIO\’s community affiliate, Working America. Workers can sign a petition telling Congress that no one should have to spend more than 5 percent of their income on health care.

• The St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly\’s Labor Day March. Marchers, after gathering at Como Senior High at 9 a.m., will arrive at the House of Labor around 1 p.m., then march in the prestigious in-fair parade at 2 p.m. For registration information, cal 651-222-3787.

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Reprinted from The St. Paul Union Advocate newspaper.

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