SEIU has 1.9 million members nationwide and more than 28,000 in Minnesota, including health care workers, janitors, security officers, school employees and others.
"Al worked alongside me for a day — he experienced first hand what it was like to provide care in a nursing home," said Ulysses Bridges, a member of SEIU Healthcare Minnesota at Robbinsdale Rehabilitation and Care Center. "He can come back and walk in my shoes anytime, but first I want him to go to Washington, D.C., and work hard for all of us — it\'s time for a senator who takes us to heart."
"SEIU will play an important role in making sure Al Franken is elected in November," said Julie Schnell, president of the SEIU Minnesota State Council and SEIU Healthcare Minnesota. "Our members are active, involved and determined to make a difference."
The DFL Party will hold its state convention in early June to endorse a candidate to face incumbent Republican Norm Coleman in the November general election. In addition to Franken, others vying for the DFL endorsement are attorney Mike Ciresi and Professor Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer.
Other unions that have endorsed Franken include AFSCME Council 5, Operating Engineers Local 49, United Auto Workers and the United Steelworkers District 11.
SEIU has 1.9 million members nationwide and more than 28,000 in Minnesota, including health care workers, janitors, security officers, school employees and others.
The announcement came after candidates for U.S. Senate walked a day in the shoes of an SEIU member to get firsthand experience of a day in the life of a working Minnesotan, the union said. In addition, candidates completed a questionnaire on issues important to members and their families; participated in picket lines and organizing drives; appeared at a "meet and greet" with members; and met with members of the State Council Executive Board.
"Al worked alongside me for a day — he experienced first hand what it was like to provide care in a nursing home," said Ulysses Bridges, a member of SEIU Healthcare Minnesota at Robbinsdale Rehabilitation and Care Center. "He can come back and walk in my shoes anytime, but first I want him to go to Washington, D.C., and work hard for all of us — it\’s time for a senator who takes us to heart."
"SEIU will play an important role in making sure Al Franken is elected in November," said Julie Schnell, president of the SEIU Minnesota State Council and SEIU Healthcare Minnesota. "Our members are active, involved and determined to make a difference."
The DFL Party will hold its state convention in early June to endorse a candidate to face incumbent Republican Norm Coleman in the November general election. In addition to Franken, others vying for the DFL endorsement are attorney Mike Ciresi and Professor Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer.
Other unions that have endorsed Franken include AFSCME Council 5, Operating Engineers Local 49, United Auto Workers and the United Steelworkers District 11.