Some 50 workers at the Fabcon manufacturing facility in Savage walked off the job April 5 rather than accept a company proposal to cut pay by 30 percent by eliminating overtime pay for weekend work.
“These brave workers are standing up to defend the weekend,” their union said. “What happens here will either maintain the area standard or be the first step in eroding this standard.”
Checks, payable to “Local 563 Fabcon Strike Fund” may be sent to:
Union Bank & Trust Company
312 Central Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414-1025
Supporters also are encouraged to join Fabcon workers every day on the picketline from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 6111 West Highway 13, Savage.
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Some 50 workers at the Fabcon manufacturing facility in Savage walked off the job April 5 rather than accept a company proposal to cut pay by 30 percent by eliminating overtime pay for weekend work.
“These brave workers are standing up to defend the weekend,” their union said. “What happens here will either maintain the area standard or be the first step in eroding this standard.”
Checks, payable to “Local 563 Fabcon Strike Fund” may be sent to:
Union Bank & Trust Company
Attn: Tracy
312 Central Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414-1025
Supporters also are encouraged to join Fabcon workers every day on the picketline from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 6111 West Highway 13, Savage.
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