Trumka said the Republicans would be making a big mistake if they believe voters endorsed the Republican agenda. The votes in fact were a rebuke to the party in power, he said.
“The America people know the economy doesn’t work,” Trumka said. “They’re suffering and they’re angry because of that and you’re going to have to come up with a way to create jobs and get the economy back on the move. They’re frustrated not because too much was done, but too little was done. But now that you’re in the governing structure, you just can’t say no.”
He pointed out that 63 percent of voters in the 100 congressional races that swung the election oppose tax breaks for people who make more than $250,000 — a key plank in the Republican’s Pledge to America. Nearly two-thirds (62 percent) oppose privatizing Social Security — another Republican proposal, and a large number do not want the retirement age raised to 70.
The union movement’s massive mobilization effort worked, Trumka said. Union members received information or contact with their union 15 to 20 times during the election cycle. As a result, he said unions counteracted the huge sums spent by corporate front groups like American Crossroads, which spent tens of millions on the election, including $3 million alone on a dozen House races.
Trumka advised Democrats and President Obama to do “what we’re going to because beginning today we’re going to have three priorities: jobs, jobs and more jobs.”
“We are going to be pushing our five-point plan to create jobs,” he said. “I think the President should do that and put these guys to the test. They said they could do it. Now let’s make them do it. And I wish you success because for every job you create there’s an American out there who’ll be able to make a living.”
Trumka said the Republicans would be making a big mistake if they believe voters endorsed the Republican agenda. The votes in fact were a rebuke to the party in power, he said.
“The America people know the economy doesn’t work,” Trumka said. “They’re suffering and they’re angry because of that and you’re going to have to come up with a way to create jobs and get the economy back on the move. They’re frustrated not because too much was done, but too little was done. But now that you’re in the governing structure, you just can’t say no.”
He pointed out that 63 percent of voters in the 100 congressional races that swung the election oppose tax breaks for people who make more than $250,000 — a key plank in the Republican’s Pledge to America. Nearly two-thirds (62 percent) oppose privatizing Social Security — another Republican proposal, and a large number do not want the retirement age raised to 70.
The union movement’s massive mobilization effort worked, Trumka said. Union members received information or contact with their union 15 to 20 times during the election cycle. As a result, he said unions counteracted the huge sums spent by corporate front groups like American Crossroads, which spent tens of millions on the election, including $3 million alone on a dozen House races.
Trumka advised Democrats and President Obama to do “what we’re going to because beginning today we’re going to have three priorities: jobs, jobs and more jobs.”
“We are going to be pushing our five-point plan to create jobs,” he said. “I think the President should do that and put these guys to the test. They said they could do it. Now let’s make them do it. And I wish you success because for every job you create there’s an American out there who’ll be able to make a living.”
He said he would tell Obama and Democrats to work with Republicans, but not to compromise their principles. Trumka is president of the AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest labor federation representing 12.2 million workers.
James Parks writes for the AFL-CIO news blog. This article is modified from one that originally appeared on that website.