In Rochester, a news conference and rally are planned. Speakers at the news conference, to be held at 10 a.m. at the IBEW Local 343 hall, 9 80th St. SE, will include Wes Urevig of Local 34 and Laura Askelin, president of the Southeast Minnesota Area Labor Council.
In Duluth, a 2 p.m. news conference on the steps of City Hall will include Alan Netland, president of the Duluth AFL-CIO Central Labor Body, and George Sundstrom, former president of the Duluth AFL-CIO Central Labor Body.
The events will coincide with the launch of Coleman\'s re-election campaign. The St. Paul Republican is seeking a second term representing Minnesota in the U.S. Senate. Al Franken, who has been endorsed by a number of unions, and Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer are vying to become the DFL nominee to oppose Coleman.
In Rochester, a news conference and rally are planned. Speakers at the news conference, to be held at 10 a.m. at the IBEW Local 343 hall, 9 80th St. SE, will include Wes Urevig of Local 34 and Laura Askelin, president of the Southeast Minnesota Area Labor Council.
A rally will follow at 11:30 a.m. at the International Events Center, 7333 Airport View Drive SW, Rochester.
In Duluth, a 2 p.m. news conference on the steps of City Hall will include Alan Netland, president of the Duluth AFL-CIO Central Labor Body, and George Sundstrom, former president of the Duluth AFL-CIO Central Labor Body.
The events will coincide with the launch of Coleman\’s re-election campaign. The St. Paul Republican is seeking a second term representing Minnesota in the U.S. Senate. Al Franken, who has been endorsed by a number of unions, and Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer are vying to become the DFL nominee to oppose Coleman.
"Norm Coleman has been working against the interests of working families ever since he took office," the Southeast Minnesota Area Labor Council said in announcing the Rochester rally. "We need to deliver a message loud and clear to Norm Coleman that we have had enough of the Pawlenty-Bush-Coleman direction for our state and country and it is time to turn America and Minnesota around!"