‘Women of Steel’ at the May Day parade

The Women of Steel group will be marching in the "free speech" section of the mile-long parade with the "Stop Toxic Imports" banner. They will also have a table in the park, where they will be testing toys for lead and informing the public about the risks of bad trade deals and poisonous toys.

Here is the schedule:
10:30 a.m. – Depart USW office, 2929 University Ave SE, Suite 100, Minneapolis, to caravan to the event.

11 a.m. – Gather at the parade staging ground at Cedar Field, 25th St. East & Cedar Ave.

Noon to 3 p.m. – March in the parade to Powderhorn Park.

3 – 5 p.m. – Conduct lead testing and education at the USW table in the park (If folks would rather not march in the parade, there are opportunities to help with the table).

The Women of Steel invite interested people to join their group in the march or at the table. For more information, e-mail Tara Widner at twidner@usw.org or call 651-270-7424.

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