Introduced by Senator John Marty, DFL-Roseville, the legislation (Senate File 1328) would treat all workers with dignity, so no full-time worker lives in poverty.
"Overwhelmingly, Minnesotans agree with the principle that any person working full time, should not be forced to live in poverty. They might not become wealthy, but in exchange for their hard work, every worker deserves to be able to afford adequate food, shelter, and other necessities. That\'s simple fairness. That\'s Minnesota values," Marty said.
- Providing access to affordable childcare, eliminating the two year waiting list that exists in many counties;
- Raising the minimum wage to $9.75/ hour, and to $10.50 next year (this is where it would be if it had increased with inflation since the late 1960s);
- Doubling the Working Family Tax Credit received by low income workers in Minnesota, to ensure that all people are better off working than being on welfare;
- Re-establishing the MEED (Minnesota Emergency Employment Development) jobs program, a simple but effective initiative that assists small businesses in hiring the unemployed. MEED was created in Minnesota during the recession in 1983. It has won praise from national economists and been described as the most effective job creation program in the entire country in the last 50 years.
Marty, co-chair of the legislative poverty commission, said, "This is a moral issue as well an economic one. The Worker Dignity bill will help Minnesota workers succeed, improve the lives of those workers and their families, boost their productivity, stimulate the economy, and reduce welfare costs."
For more information
View the legislation.
Introduced by Senator John Marty, DFL-Roseville, the legislation (Senate File 1328) would treat all workers with dignity, so no full-time worker lives in poverty.
"Overwhelmingly, Minnesotans agree with the principle that any person working full time, should not be forced to live in poverty. They might not become wealthy, but in exchange for their hard work, every worker deserves to be able to afford adequate food, shelter, and other necessities. That\’s simple fairness. That\’s Minnesota values," Marty said.
"Paying workers a living wage is the most important action that can be done to reduce poverty and welfare costs," said Marty. "Unfortunately, legislative action at the capitol this year will increase the number of people living in poverty. In light of this, it\’s time for Minnesotans to stand up and ensure that every worker is treated with dignity, and no workers will live in poverty."
Since the Legislative Commission on Ending Poverty by 2020 issued its final report in 2009, Minnesota has moved further from the goal of ending poverty, Marty said. "In part because of the economy and in part due to state cutbacks, the number of Minnesota families struggling to meet basic needs is growing sharply. More than three in 10 Minnesotans are struggling to meet basic needs. Some workers cannot afford housing and go from their jobs to a homeless shelter at night."
Marty\’s legislation would help workers move from welfare to economic independence by:
- Providing access to affordable childcare, eliminating the two year waiting list that exists in many counties;
- Raising the minimum wage to $9.75/ hour, and to $10.50 next year (this is where it would be if it had increased with inflation since the late 1960s);
- Doubling the Working Family Tax Credit received by low income workers in Minnesota, to ensure that all people are better off working than being on welfare;
- Re-establishing the MEED (Minnesota Emergency Employment Development) jobs program, a simple but effective initiative that assists small businesses in hiring the unemployed. MEED was created in Minnesota during the recession in 1983. It has won praise from national economists and been described as the most effective job creation program in the entire country in the last 50 years.
Although SF 1328 does not include provisions related to affordable health care, Marty pointed out that SF 8, the Minnesota Health Plan, would reduce health care costs and cover all Minnesotans in a manner that would be affordable even to low income workers. In combination with the Minnesota Health Plan, SF 1328 would lift all workers and their families out of poverty.
Marty, co-chair of the legislative poverty commission, said, "This is a moral issue as well an economic one. The Worker Dignity bill will help Minnesota workers succeed, improve the lives of those workers and their families, boost their productivity, stimulate the economy, and reduce welfare costs."
For more information
View the legislation.