“No abran la puerta”: Cómo Chicago está frustrando la campaña de miedo de ICE
Meses de trabajo para conocer sus derechos han hecho que el zar fronterizo de Trump se queje.
Workday Magazine (https://workdaymagazine.org/author/rebecca-burns/)
Meses de trabajo para conocer sus derechos han hecho que el zar fronterizo de Trump se queje.
Months of know-your-rights work has Trump’s border czar complaining.
Members of SEIU 73 ratified their contract this week, and CTU members will now have 10 days to do so. But the impact of the two-week walkout is likely to extend far beyond the contracts themselves.
On Tuesday, the ranks of the striking workers—represented by the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and SEIU Local 73—swelled a little further as nearly 40 teachers walked off the job at Passages Charter School on the city’s north side
Ahead of a potential massive strike this week, Chicago teachers are pushing the limits of social justice unionism.
The history of militant organizing, plus the simple fact that workers deserve more than one holiday, makes Labor Day worth celebrating. And this year, there are more reasons than usual for working people to rejoice.