Owners and community members plan to turn out Tuesday to support workers at Eastside Food Co-op who are starting negotiations on their first union contract.
The event will be held Tuesday, July 18, from 10:30 to 11 a.m. at the Co-op, located at 2551 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis.
On April 20, Workers at Eastside Food Co-op in Minneapolis won their election to form a union with the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 653. More than 70 percent of workers voted in favor of unionization.
“Join Eastside Co-op owners & community members in a delegation to the boss in support of workers!” the UFCW said in announcing the action.
“Recently, a worker leader was fired for union flyers and two other workers feel they are experiencing anti-union pressure from management.
“Let’s stand together and say no to anti-union activity!”
The delegation will include members of the community who are also owners and customers at the Co-op.
Attendees may RSVP on the UFCW Local 653 Facebook page.