Educators across the state will continue to work to create an environment where all students – regardless of their backgrounds – can learn, the leader of Education Minnesota said Wednesday.
In response to the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States, Education Minnesota President Denise Specht issued the following statement:
“The results of the election remind us there are very few places in our deeply divided America where people from all walks of life still mix. The public schools are one of them,” Specht said. “There, we educate the children of parents of all races and ethnicities; children of conservatives and progressives and children from families that are comfortable and from families that are struggling. As educators, we feel a special duty to bridge the divides between us.
“It’s our hope Minnesotans can join together to strengthen their public schools, not just because they strive to give all students the opportunity to succeed, but because public schools create a safe place where the next generation of voters can learn to get along.
“The lessons we have always taught in school were not made obsolete on Election Day. For one thing, facts still matter. And educators will still insist students treat each other with respect. Fear, intimidation and bullying were not acceptable last week, they’re not OK today and we will be on guard against them in the future. This campaign season showed we must do the job of teaching diverse students to speak civilly with each other, and do it well, or the cycle of nastiness in our politics will never end.”