Faces of Wage Theft is a collection of story memes created by the Minnesota Wage Theft Coalition to highlight the crisis. Each image is based on a Minnesota worker who has experienced wage theft. Stories have the power to lift the issue of wage theft from the shadows and promote an important public dialog.
The Minnesota Wage Theft Coalition formed in the spring of 2016 and includes a variety of community, labor, government, university and worker center organizations throughout the state who are cooperating to focus public attention on this issue. Research and reporting by Workday Minnesota as well as community and labor organizations has shown that wage theft is a largely hidden crisis that harms workers and their families, high-road businesses and communities throughout Minnesota.
Wage theft takes many forms. Employers refuse to pay their employees for work performed, make unlawful paycheck deductions or coerce employees to work off the clock. Employers violate minimum wage, prevailing wage, and overtime protections or misclassify employees as an independent contractors to avoid paying workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance. Wage theft affects people in many industries including office workers, janitors, construction workers, service sector employees and online workers.
These memes are available to share and use to spread the story of wage theft.