University of Minnesota graduate students involved in organizing a union will host a conference and reception for graduate employee unions from five other campuses on Friday, Feb. 25.
The conference starts at 5:30 p.m. in the Cowles Auditorium of the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs on the West Bank of the university's Minneapolis campus. A solidarity reception and social starts at 7 p.m.
Graduate employee union members from the universities of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Michigan State, and Wisconsin are travelling to Minnesota to support the GradTRAC/UE Local 1105 union campaign, compare notes, and discuss their accomplishments and future plans.
The conference and solidarity reception are open to all members of the university community, GradTRAC/UE Local 1105 said in announcing the event.
Topics of discussion will include: how Big Ten unionized graduate employees made big gains; how grad employee unions improve relationships with professors; and how unions achieved improvements for international students.
The conference is sponsored by Forum for a Democratic University and GradTRAC/UE Local 1105. The reception is sponsored by AFSCME Local 3800, AFSCME Local 3937, AFSCME Local 3260, Branch 9 NALC, United Steelworkers of America District 11, Coalition of Labor Union Women, JOBS NOW Coalition, University of Minnesota Labor Education Service, Northland Poster Collective, Minnesota Conference of the American Association of University Professors, SEIU Local 113, Teamsters Local 320, Teamsters Local 1145, UFCW Local 789, UNITE-HERE Local 17, and UTU Minnesota State Legislative Board.
For more information
Call Gradtrac/UE Local 1105 at 612-379-1284 or visit the union's website,
University of Minnesota graduate students involved in organizing a union will host a conference and reception for graduate employee unions from five other campuses on Friday, Feb. 25.
The conference starts at 5:30 p.m. in the Cowles Auditorium of the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs on the West Bank of the university’s Minneapolis campus. A solidarity reception and social starts at 7 p.m.
Graduate employee union members from the universities of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Michigan State, and Wisconsin are travelling to Minnesota to support the GradTRAC/UE Local 1105 union campaign, compare notes, and discuss their accomplishments and future plans.
The conference and solidarity reception are open to all members of the university community, GradTRAC/UE Local 1105 said in announcing the event.
Topics of discussion will include: how Big Ten unionized graduate employees made big gains; how grad employee unions improve relationships with professors; and how unions achieved improvements for international students.
The conference is sponsored by Forum for a Democratic University and GradTRAC/UE Local 1105. The reception is sponsored by AFSCME Local 3800, AFSCME Local 3937, AFSCME Local 3260, Branch 9 NALC, United Steelworkers of America District 11, Coalition of Labor Union Women, JOBS NOW Coalition, University of Minnesota Labor Education Service, Northland Poster Collective, Minnesota Conference of the American Association of University Professors, SEIU Local 113, Teamsters Local 320, Teamsters Local 1145, UFCW Local 789, UNITE-HERE Local 17, and UTU Minnesota State Legislative Board.
For more information
Call Gradtrac/UE Local 1105 at 612-379-1284 or visit the union’s website,