Adjunct faculty at Hamline University voted Friday to ratify their historic first contract with the University, providing significant raises and job improvements.
Adjuncts voted join Service Employees International Union Local 284 in June 2014 and negotiated their first contract over the course of a year. A tentative agreement, reached in December, was called a win for faculty, students and whole university.
The contract was ratified with over 95% of ballots voting “yes,” and will go into effect for the spring semester.
“Like my fellow faculty, I joined this fight for a first contract because I truly love teaching and want what is best for students, faculty and the larger Hamline community,” said Mark Felton, a Hamline adjunct in the business school and member of the bargaining team. “We hope that our contract ratification, and the reality that our gains are locked in with a union contract so that they can’t be taken away later, will help to inspire others to stand up and fight to strengthen higher education across Minnesota.”
Highlights of the contract include:
- All adjunct faculty will receive a raise. A majority will receive a 15% increase in Year 1 and base pay will increase by 20% by the 17-18 fiscal year.
- Additional compensation for terminal degree and length of service will increase base pay in Year 1 by 25% and by 30% in fiscal year 17-18 .
- A professional development fund will be established.
- Adjunct Faculty will have much earlier notice of courses they will teach, and will be compensated for work if there is a last minute cancellation. Additionally, they will have the first right to teach a course they design or be compensated for the design.
- Establishment of a Union/University Collaboration Committee (otherwise known as a Labor Management Committee).