Rally to stop TPP on Tuesday

The Land Stewardship Project, the Communications Workers of America and allies will rally Tuesday at the Minneapolis office of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar to demand that she publicly oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal.

The rally will run from 4 to 5 p.m. outside her offices at 1200 S. Washington Ave., Minneapolis.

The TPP is being negotiated between the United States and 11 other nations in the Pacific region. But critics say it goes far beyond trade, giving corporations the power to sue governments over any law they see as interfering with their “expected future profits.” If passed, the TPP would violate people’s right to have a say in their communities, undermine food safety and public health, and harm small farmers here and around the world, rally organizers said.

The TPP could be raised for a vote in Congress anytime in the next few weeks. Klobuchar has not said where she stands on the deal.

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