Update: A settlement was reached Friday morning
United Security Professionals Local 2 reports that the labor conflict at Xcel’s Monticello Nuclear Power plant is escalating.
The union stated in a press release:
other union workers from the plant honored the security officers’ picket lines Thursday morning, meaning even more longtime workers are not inside the facility today [thursday]. This solidarity increases the crisis at the nuclear power plant caused by G4S locking out workers.
Over Labor Day weekend approximately 25 union guards were locked out of their jobs guarding the nuclear power plant by subcontractor G4S. The lockout started at midnight on Saturday the 31st.
Negotiations hit an impasse over health benefits.
According to the union, “Contract talks broke down when G4S proposed rolling back the healthcare plans from the workers, some of whom have been there for 40 years. The group will give an update at Noon outside the power plant.”
The union argues that in negotiations, G45 offered a worse health plant while also cutting contributions to health care premium by half, or $10,000 per worker per year.
According to KNSI Radio, “the company allegedly told union members both verbally and in writing they would not make any changes to their health insurance.”
G4S took over Xcel’s nuclear-plant security in spring 2018. The union is asking the public to join their picket at 2807 County Rd 75 NE #1, Monticello, MN. 55362.